Life, Wellness & Business Coaching

Are you ready for your turn?

You've done it all, been it all. Over time, you've worn every hat. But now it's time for you. It’s past time that you got started building something entirely yours. You're ready! It's an exciting but potentially scary place to be. Maybe you wonder where to start or who you even are. Or maybe there's a small voice telling you it's too late. We are here to confirm that it isn’t too late; it's time to dream again. There are exciting things ahead! How do we know this? Because we’re building, too! Who are we? Your Next Act Architects, that’s who. We’re here to help you create and bring to life something as unique as you are.

What is a Next Act Architect? How Can Coaching Help Me?

A therapist is like an archaeologist, analyzing your past, but a coach is like an architect, helping you design and implement your future. This analogy gives a blueprint for what a life coach does. We call ourselves Next Act Architects because we're not just here to guide but to partner with you in building a life you love. Think of working with your Next Act Architect as entering into a possibility partnership. We listen, challenge, and support you, working together to build the foundations of what is possible on the road to fulfillment. Whether the focus is on your career, health, wellness, or pivoting to something new, we are with you at every project phase.

Your Next Act Architect offers tailored coaching tools and support methods that empower you to set and achieve goals faster and more effectively than you could on your own. This might seem like a big promise, but it's backed by a study from the International Coaching Federation, which found that 80% of people who hired a life coach reported improved self-confidence and more overall fulfillment in their lives. Let’s start building together today!

Let's Get Started

Life, Wellness & Business Coaching

Meet your Coaches

Lara DiPaola

Lara DiPaola is one half of the dynamic duo behind Next Act Architect. A dedicated and experienced life coach, author, blogger, and entrepreneur, she is best known for her work on the Midlife Shit Show, a blog and podcast that explores the challenges and triumphs of navigating aging with humor and honesty.

With over a decade of experience in functional medicine and more than 3,000 hours of coaching experience within medical settings, Lara brings a wealth of expertise to her coaching practice. She enjoys helping clients build vitality and resilience while they explore possibilities on the path to fulfillment.

Lara has written several articles, books, and journals that combine her love of travel and holistic wellness with her coaching expertise. Alongside Karin Sheets, she is the co-creator of the bestselling (un) Journal series for “people who suck at journalling.” Her work has been featured in numerous publications, including The Washington Post, USA Today, and various lifestyle outlets.

She launched the Midlife Shit Show with her co-host and fellow Next Act Architect Karin; here, they share personal experiences, provide expert resources, and build community with others navigating midlife. The blog and podcast have quickly gained a following and received critical acclaim.

Lara is also a Navy veteran, certified HeartMath practitioner, and advocate for adopting functional nutrition. As an entrepreneur, she owns a boutique consulting agency focused on marketing and storytelling for small businesses. Lara has given talks at conferences and events worldwide as a sought-after speaker.

Lara's passion for helping others is evident in the broad focus of her work. She finds fulfillment in inspiring and empowering individuals to embrace their life’s journey with wonder and humor.

Karin Sheets

Karin Sheets is one of the insightful creators and coaches behind Next Act Architect, where she empowers individuals to navigate their next chapter with resilience, purpose, and joy. She approaches her practice with a profound dedication to guiding those experiencing the ebbs and flows of grief or seeking fulfillment as special needs caregivers. Karin combines her extensive coaching, mindfulness, and holistic health expertise to create transformative pathways to fulfillment for her clients.

A University of Washington graduate, Karin's coaching approach is deeply rooted in her life experiences and professional journey. As a special needs mother who has experienced both triumph and loss, a seasoned caregiver, and a seeker of holistic health, she intimately understands the challenges and rewards found in this space. This unique perspective and her professional credentials make her an empathetic and effective coach for those navigating similar paths.

In addition to her coaching practice, Karin is an accomplished entrepreneur, adaptive sports and travel advocate, web developer, and author. She is the co-author of the bestselling (un) Journal series that combines mindfulness and coaching tools that have helped countless people who “suck at journalling” tap into the benefits of journaling.

As a Next Act Architect, Karin is dedicated to helping her clients build a fulfilling and meaningful next act. Her compassionate guidance and unwavering support provide the foundation for transformative change, making her a trusted partner in her clients' journeys.


From the Coaches at Next Act Architect


The Ultimate (un)Journal


Struggling to find the time or inspiration for traditional journaling? The Ultimate (un)Journal is your answer, a 5-minute journal packed with mindfulness prompts and self-care exercises.


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